Empowering Education, Shaping Futures
The children in peripheral villages are enthusiastic and interested in learning things. Unfortunately they were deprived of getting chances to explore and learn. Our team started the scheme olikeetru in the vision to make a library with reading hall to make their educational dream to become true. Most of their homes does not have electricity. We realised that a good environment is needed to make their education valuable. Along with the reading hall, we have arranged a mentor from the village itself to monitor their progress and coordinate our online sessions which manages specialist in various field to address those kids and inspire them. So far we have started this scheme in two villages and aimed to continue to as many villages as possible.
Key Interventions
Access to Quality Education
Suffered alteration in which don't look believable.
Bridge Course for Non- School Going Children
Suffered alteration in which don't look believable.
Career Guidance
Suffered alteration in which don't look believable.
Decision Making
Suffered alteration in which don't look believable.

Instructions to the volunteers/ donors:
1. You can donate new or used books to the library. ( Like Kids books, competitive exam preparation books )
2. You can donate as money to buy books for them.
3. If you are specialized in your field , you can give online guest lecture to the kids.
4. If you are volunteer, you can be a mentor for the kids. ( In person)
5. You can work along the team to improve this scheme as a volunteer.